Sunday, January 22, 2012

It all started with this!!!

I love to knit Lindsey something for Christmas, something she can wear in the cold Wyoming winters and I came up with this.........then the relatives came and wanted one too, then there were brithdays....and now I want one too.

The Lindsey Cowl Pattern 
  by Kim Jackson

US size 11 knitting needles
Alpaca yarn at least 100+ yards.
large button (available at yarn shops)

                                                    Cast on 25 stitches
                                                    Knit as many rows as it takes to make the
                                                    scarf about 22-23"long.
Next row knit about 5 stitches then create
a button hole to fit your button.
Continue knitting until cowl is 24" in length.
Button placement varies, try on the cowl
to mark button placement.

Another for Linds.....this button was amazing.  to bad I don't have a better camera..
the button was stunning too, this one went to my aunt in Canada....I actually rolled the collar down so the button had 2 holes to go through and it had a rolled neckline. The yarn was thick and thin, gave it a great texture.
The most wonderfully soft yarn....from Gossamer (Bend, OR)  this one went to a friend for a birthday.....My camera doesn't do these cowls justice!


  1. I LOVE this cowl pattern. It certainly doesn't hurt that you have such a beautiful model wearing it either! I didn't know that you had a blog but certainly look forward to reading all future posts.

  2. Thanks Mare, it was on my bucket list, the first thing I actually got to cross off! Started it over Thanksgiving vacation! Hope you enjoy it! I plan on posting random stuff!
